Cassoulet Ware
by Kathy Kearns
Cassoulet, from Occitan caçolet is a rich, slow-cooked casserole originating in the south of France, containing meat (typically pork sausages, goose, duck and sometimes mutton), pork skin (couennes) and white beans (haricots blancs)[Source: Wikipedia]. 20 years ago Chef Philippe Jeanty showed me a traditional French cassole (cassoulet bowl) and asked me to replicate it for Bistro Jeanty. In my version I use a sturdier red clay rather than the softer earthenware clay used in the original, and the glaze is lead free. I continue to supply Bistro Jeanty, the Ledford House in Albion, and numerous home chefs with authentically styled cassoles.
I make each piece, one at a time on the potter's wheel. Production is limited, and my intent is to produce wares that have life, breath, and the mark of my hand. My pots are durable and meant for function. My glazes are food safe. All pieces are dishwasher safe and can be used in the oven and microwave. Because each piece is made by hand, each piece is unique yet related to the others, like members of a family. Small variations in size and color do occur.
“A Crock-Up. What could be more inviting than hot soup or stew in a rustic bowl? Chef-owner Philippe Jeanty of Bistro Jeanty in Yountville, California, asked artist Kathy Kearns to make this rugged crock for serving the soups and cassoulet at his restaurant. ”
Kathy Kearns Crockett Pottery Cassoulet Feature